Monday, November 14, 2005

Let it rain,,, some other night.

As we go out on our ride,
We pray the Lord rides by our side,
Keep us safe and in your sight,
And let it rain some other night.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Lord, thank you,,,,,

"Lord, thank you for the open air,
The feel of wind blowing through our hair,
Just us alone upon our bikes,
The thrill of freedom is what we like.
To wind through country unexplored,
Not knowing what we'll see next, Lord.

That's what we seek when oft we ride.
We're thankful that you're by our side.
If we should ride till morning's light
Please keep us safe through the night,
And when we come to journeys end,
It's you we'll thank- protector, friend."

May your tires,,,,

May your tires tread on pavement
May your ferring cut the breeze
May your headlight keep on shining
May your bike avoid all trees.

May you ride forever safely,
both in sunshine and in showers,
May you ride forever freely
and enjoy this land of ours.